Thursday, June 22, 2006

The Drunk and the Preacher

The Drunk and the Preacher
One day the good Reverend was driving down this back road, when he come up behind a drunk, the preacher thinks well I will just ride back here for a bit then pass him, the drunk would go from one side of the road to the other.
The preacher thought, good lord, this person is drunk I had better go around him.

Well the preacher would take off and try to pass and the drunk would move over to the preachers side, the preacher would drop back, after a while the preacher gets very frustrated, He just floors the gas pedal, takes off and crashes.

The drunk comes wobbling up to the preachers car, looks around and says are you ok preacher? The preacher responded; yes thank goodness the Good lord was riding with me.
The drunk looks at the preacher and says, preacher you had better let him ride with me, you are gonna kill him